Who is Jacob Trouba's mother Kristy Trouba? Bio, age, nationality, profession, net worth

Jacob Ryan Trouba – an American professional ice hockey defenseman and the 28th captain of the New York Rangers of the National Hockey League was born on February 26, 1994, in  Rochester, Michigan, the United States to Kristy Trouba and her husband. She is said to be the reason why her son is who he is today since she has been supportive of his career and a source of inspiration. 

Fans and followers of the American professional ice hockey defenseman have been wanting to know more about her following the vital role she played in her son’s life and career. Continue reading to know more about her.

Who is Jacob Trouba’s mother Kristy Trouba?

Kristy Trouba is a celebrity parent who happens to be the mother of Jacob Trouba. She is an American who was born to her parents in the United States. Having said that, there is no further information about her origin – where she was born as well as her date of birth, hence, it is very difficult to talk about her age. However, she is believed to be in her late 40s. 

She is in the medical billing field and married to John Trouba for more than two decades now. Apart from Jacob, Kristy is the mother of another son who has been identified as T.J. She welcomed her two sons with her husband. John. 

She is said to have an estimated net worth of $500k
